The ISUOG Clinical Standards Committee, based on the latest evidence, has released practice guidelines that provide recommendations regarding the role of ultrasound in screening for and follow-up of preeclampsia. Preventative strategies (such as low-dose aspirin) for preeclampsia are effective if started in the first trimester and should begin as soon as high-risk status is identified.
Given the superiority of combined screening, the use of Doppler cut-offs as a standalone screening modality should be avoided if combined screening is available (GRADE OF RECOMMENDATION: B)
Note: Screening refers to identification of at risk cases that may lead to prevention | Prediction refers to ability to identify at risk cases, but no evidence available regarding improved outcomes
Combined Screening
Ultrasound Only
Multifetal Pregnancies
Combined screening approach is preferred over ultrasound alone and includes the following (see summary of ASPRE algorithm details in ‘Related ObG Topics’ below)
Note: Placental volume and vascularization indices are not recommended | Combined screening in the second trimester compares favorably to first trimester, but aspirin intervention is ineffective if initiated >20 weeks
First Trimester Ultrasound Screening (10-13 weeks)
Second Trimester Ultrasound Screening
Third Trimester Ultrasound Screening
ISUOG Practice Guidelines: role of ultrasound in screening for and follow up of pre-eclampsia
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