The CDC provides guidance for managing pregnant women who have suspected or confirmed flu. Of note, pregnant women are considered to be in the high-risk category. ACOG has a committee statement that provides recommendations aligned with the CDC.
Suspected or laboratory-confirmed influenza
Suspected or confirmed influenza, on labor & delivery floor
To reduce the risk of influenza virus transmission to the newborn
If a newborn of a mother with suspected or confirmed influenza is in the nursery
Person to Person
When Are People with Flu Contagious?
Note: Those with weakened immune systems may be contagious for >7 days
CDC Guidance for the Prevention and Control of Influenza in the Peri- and Postpartum Settings
CDC: Information for Health Professionals – Influenza
CDC: Influenza Antiviral Medications: Summary for Clinicians
ACOG Committee Statement 7: Influenza in Pregnancy – Prevention and Treatment
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