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Infertility Evaluation: Who, When and How


Patients who fail to achieve a successful pregnancy after 12 months of regular, unprotected intercourse should be evaluated with the diagnosis of infertility. Evaluation should be initiated after 6 months for women >35 years. If over 40 years of age, or a condition known to cause infertility is present, evaluation should not be delayed. Evaluation of women for infertility should be timely, cost effective, and initially focused on the most common causes of infertility such as ovulatory dysfunction. If ovulatory function is normal, uterine anatomy and tubal patency should be investigated.  Tests for ovarian reserve can not predict failure to conceive and therefore should not be used to deny fertility treatment. Ovarian reserve testing should not be used to predict the likelihood of spontaneous conception or menopause.

ASRM Definition of Infertility

ASRM defines infertility as a disease, condition, or status with the following characteristics

The inability to achieve a successful pregnancy based on a patient’s medical, sexual, and reproductive history, age, physical findings, diagnostic testing, or any combination of those factors

The need for medical intervention, including, but not limited to, the use of donor gametes or donor embryos in order to achieve a successful pregnancy either as an individual or with a partner

In patients having regular, unprotected intercourse and without any known etiology for either partner suggestive of impaired reproductive ability, evaluation should be initiated at 12 months when the female partner is under 35 years of age and at six months when the female partner is 35 years of age or older

Indications for Immediate Evaluation Include

  • History of oligo / amenorrhea | Known/ suspected uterine, tubal,  peritoneal disease | Endometriosis (stage III/IV) | Known/ suspected male factor subfertility | >40 years | Genetic disorder know to affect fertility (e.g., FMR1 premutation or radiation/chemotherapy exposure)

Definition of Unexplained Infertility (30% of infertile couples)

  • Above definition of infertility is met
  • Infertility evaluation is normal
  • Minimum evaluation: Confirm ovulatory function | Tubal patency | Semen analysis


Relevant History

  • Infertility related
    • Menstrual history
    • Pregnancy history
    • Previous contraception
    • Frequency of intercourse
    • Previous evaluations and treatments
    • Family history of reproductive problems and birth defects
  • Surgical history
  • History of endocrine abnormalities such as
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Abnormal cervical cancer screening and treatments
  • Medications and allergies including
    • Occupational exposures
    • Tobacco, alcohol, drugs

Physical Exam

  • Vital signs including BMI
  • Thyroid exam
  • Breast exam
  • Evaluation of androgen excess
    • Acne
    • Hirsutism
    • Male pattern balding
    • Clitoromegaly
    • Pelvic examination including evaluation of cul de sac masses / nodularity

Ovarian Assessment

Ovulatory Function

  • Ovulatory dysfunction accounts for 40% of infertility in women
  • Menstrual history of abnormal bleeding / oligo or amenorrhea
    • Cycles typically regular and predictable | Range from 21 to 35 days
    • If regular cycles and menstrual molimina is present, ovulatory function is likely to be normal
    • History of oligo- or amenorrhea is enough to establish anovulation and requires further evaluation
  • Serum progesterone approx. 1 week prior to menses
    • >3 ng/mL (15.9 nmol per L) indicates ovulation
    • Does not assess quality of luteal phase
  • Urinary LH (ovulation predictor kits)
  • Cervical mucous changes (clear, stretchy)
  • TSH (thyroid function)
  • Prolactin (hyperprolactinemia): indicated only if galactorrhea, oligomenorrhea, or amenorrhea

Ovarian Reserve

  • Goal is to identify women who may be poor responders to gonadotropin stimulation during treatment; does not imply inability to conceive or sub fertility
  • Ovarian reserve testing may be of help in the following scenarios (higher risk for diminished ovarian reserve)
    • > 35 years
    • Unexplained infertility
    • Planning ART
    • Poor response to GnRH stimulation
    • Have family history of early menopause
    • At higher risk of diminished ovarian reserve (e.g., chemotherapy and/or pelvic irradiation; ovarian surgery for endometriomas)
  • Measured by the following
    • Basal FSH and estradiol (E2) levels on days 2-5
      • FSH > 10 IU/L: Lesser response to ovarian stimulation
    • Serum anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels (independent of day): <1 ng/mL
    • Antral follicle count on cycle day 2-5 (early follicular phase)
      • Low count: Fewer than 5 to 7 follicles
  • The best surrogate marker for oocyte quality is age
  • Note: Unexplained diminished ovarian reserve or elevated FSH <40 years: Offer Fragile X carrier screening for FMR1 premutation (associated with premature ovarian failure)

Uterine Assessment

  • Common causes include polyps, submucosal fibroids, adhesions
  • Transvaginal ultrasound is best initial imaging
  • Hysteroscopy: Definitive diagnosis under direct visualization, although more invasive
  • Sonohysterography: Can detect abnormal intrauterine pathology (polyps, submucosal myomas, synechiae)
  • HSG: Best for detecting developmental anomalies; also can show polyps and myomas, although less sensitive
  • 3D ultrasound & pelvic MRI: Confirmation and diagnosis of Müllerian anomalies

Fallopian Tube Assessment:

  • Tubal disease is a major contributor to infertility and should be excluded
    • HSG (hysterosalpingography): evaluates tubal patency and architecture | presence of salpingitis isthmica nodosa | shows presence of fimbrial phimosis or adhesions
    • SHG (sonohysterography): also shows tubal patency, but does not differentiate between unilateral/bilateral; operator dependent
    • Chromopertubation: performed during laparoscopy with dilute methylene blue or indigo carmine
      • Laparoscopy not recommended for tubal evaluation, although if already being performed, it is reasonable to include chromopertubation

Cervical Assessment

  • Cervical factors are rarely the primary cause of infertility
    • Treat cervicitis if noted
    • Post coital tests are no longer recommended

Peritoneal Assessment

  • Causes include endometriosis and pelvic adhesions
  • Requires laparoscopy for diagnosis
    • Not recommended for routine evaluation of infertile women unless there is suspected pathology or another indication

Male Assessment

  • Evaluate both partners at the same time due to high percentage of infertility caused by male factor (40 to 50%)
  • Minimal evaluation: Reproductive history and semen analysis

Learn More – Primary Sources:

ASRM: Fertility evaluation of infertile women: a committee opinion (2021) | American Society for Reproductive Medicine

ACOG Committee Opinion 773: The Use of Antimüllerian Hormone in Women Not Seeking Fertility Care

ASRM: Definition Of Infertility