Pregnant patients are at increased risk for COVID-19 vs nonpregnant patients. Pregnancy should be considered a ‘high risk category’ (CDC) and should be managed as such. SMFM has updated a document regarding perinatal care that provides valuable information to professionals managing women with COVID-19 during pregnancy as well as helpful counseling tips to encourage vaccination to avoid complications due to infection.
Severe maternal morbidity and mortality from obstetric causes: aRR 12.8 (95% CI, 8.2 to 9.1)
Vaccine Consideration
Vaccines are recommended for pregnant, postpartum and lactating people to reduce risk for COVID-19 and consequent complications
Note: Additional information regarding vaccination in pregnancy can be found below in ‘Related ObG Topics’
SARS-CoV-2 Testing
Individuals should undergo viral testing
With COVID-19 symptoms and/or
Within 5 days of known exposure
Test for other causes of respiratory illness such as influenza if clinically appropriate
Monoclonal Antibodies in Pregnancy
Use shared decision-making
Acknowledge limitations of current data
Therapies that would otherwise be given should not be withheld specifically due to pregnancy or lactation
Therapies including monoclonal antibodies, remdesivir, dexamethasone, baricitinib, and tocilizumab, can and should be provided to pregnant patients with COVID-19 who meet clinical qualifications
Oral Antivirals in Pregnancy
Following FDA EUA for Paxlovid, SMFM issued a statement in support of the use of this medication in pregnancy for those with mild to moderate COVID-19 at risk for disease progression
SMFM supports the use of Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir [PF-07321332] tablets and ritonavir tablets) for treatment of pregnant patients with COVID-19 who meet clinical qualifications
Any therapy that would otherwise be given should not be withheld specifically due to pregnancy or lactation
Molnupiravir should be avoided during pregnancy due to mutagenicity risk
Vertical Transmission to Newborns
Evidence suggests a perinatal infection 1% to 4%
More research required to understand risk dynamics (e.g., timing during pregnancy)
Risk for Miscarriage or Congenital Anomalies
Studies have not demonstrated increased risk for miscarriage
Data “insufficient to suggest an increased risk of congenital anomalies associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection early in pregnancy”
Risk for Preterm Birth or Stillbirth
CDC data suggests a potential increase in the risk for stillbirth further supporting the strong recommendation for COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy
Reports estimate that risk for stillbirth may be 4x
Study performed during Delta wave
Higher severity of illness may be related to increased risk of stillbirth, HDP, preterm birth and cesarean delivery
Note: More information on the CDC data regarding stillbirth and COVID-19 can be found in ‘Related ObG Topics’ below
COVID-19 and Antenatal Surveillance
Mild infection
Management similar to that of patient recovering from influenza
Be aware that a patient may initially have mild symptoms but decompensate | Instruct patients to call or seek care for worsening symptoms
Consider ultrasound following periconception or first trimester maternal infection
Detailed midtrimester anatomy scan
Interval growth assessments (depending on the timing and severity of infection, and other risk factors)
Data insufficient to recommend fetal surveillance for stillbirth risk
Lactation Considerations
SARS-CoV-2 has not been detected in breast milk
Breastfeeding is not contraindicated
Precautions should be undertaken to avoid transmission to the infant
Hand hygiene
Face covering
Proper pump cleaning
If patient is receiving therapeutic agents for COVID-19, decision to breastfeed
…should be a joint effort between the patient and the clinical team, including infant care providers
When to Deliver
Maternal COVID-19 infection alone “is not an indication for delivery”
Infection in pregnancy with recovery
No change in timing of delivery
Infection at or near term
Individualize balancing risk for maternal deterioration against delivery support services, risk to attending staff re: viremia load
Critically ill patients
Shared decision making
Balance preterm delivery against possible improvement in maternal status
Cesarean delivery does not reduce risk for perinatal infection
Postpartum Care
High transmission area
Telehealth is reasonable
Discuss options during prenatal care and make a plan “to facilitate immediate postplacental long-acting reversible contraception utilization if desired”
Can High Dose Nitric Oxide Improve Respiratory Function in Pregnant Women with Severe COVID-19?
There is limited data on how best to manage respiratory failure in pregnant women with COVID-19
Safaee Fakhr et al. sought to determine if administering high concentrations of nitric oxide could improve the clinical course of pregnant women with respiratory failure
Case series (April to June 2020)
6 pregnant patients admitted with severe or critical COVID-19
Patients received high-dose (160–200 ppm) nitric oxide by mask twice daily
Treatment sessions lasted 30 minutes to 1 hour
For those patients requiring mechanical ventilation, the high dose regimen was stopped and restarted after extubation | During intubation, the patients received continuous low dose nitric oxide through the ventilator
Total of 39 treatments
Cardiopulmonary function improved with administration of nitric oxide
Systemic oxygenation: Improved following each administration session in hypoxemic patients
Tachypnea: Reduced among all patients each session
3 deliveries while in hospital
4 neonates
28-day follow-up: All mothers and infants in good condition at home
3 remaining patients:
Discharged home and still pregnant at time of publication
There were no adverse events documented
While acknowledging the small cohort size, the authors also conclude that
Nitric oxide at 160–200 ppm is easy to use, appears to be well tolerated, and might be of benefit in pregnant patients with COVID-19 with hypoxic respiratory failure
Pregnant Women with COVID-19 at Time of Delivery: NYC Cohort Characteristics and Outcomes
Khoury et al. (Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2020) characterized clinical features and disease course among the initial cohort of pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City admitted for delivery
Prospective cohort study (March 13 to April 12, 2020 with follow-up completed April 20, 2020)
Five New York City medical centers
Pregnant women admitted for delivery
Confirmed COVID-19
Study design
Data collected: Demographics | Presentation | Comorbidities | Maternal and Neonatal outcomes | COVID-19 clinical course
COVID-19 cases were defined as
Mild: no additional oxygen supplementation required
Critical: Respiratory failure | Septic shock | Multiple organ dysfunction or failure
241 women included
Asymptomatic on admission: 61.4% | 69% remained asymptomatic
Clinical status at time of hospitalization for delivery
Mild: 26.5%
Severe: 26.1%
Critical: 5%
Singleton preterm birth rate: 14.6%
Critical outcomes
ICU admission: 7.1% of women (17 women)
Intubation during delivery: 3.7% (9 women)
Maternal deaths: 0 women
BMI ≥30 associated with COVID-19 severity (P=0.001)
Cesarean delivery rates
Severe COVID-19: 52.4%
Critical COVID-19: 91.7%
Linear trend across COVID-19 severity groups for cesarean risk (P<.001)
245 liveborn neonates
Resuscitation at delivery beyond normal requirements: 30%
NICU admission: 25.7% | Hospitalization <2 days in 62.4%
Newborn outcomes
Prematurity and low birth weight: 8.7% (most common complications)
RDS: 5.8%
No complications: 79.3%
97.5% of newborns tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 at 24 to 96 hours
IUFD: 2 cases
Case 1: 38 weeks without fetal movement | Symptoms of COVID-19 pneumonia including chest imaging | No supplemental oxygen required | Patient declined autopsy and further work up for COVID-19 | No abnormalities were seen on placental pathology
Case 2: 29 weeks of gestation | FGR <1%tile | HELLP syndrome | Severe COVID-19 pneumonia
Majority of pregnant women admitted for delivery were asymptomatic for COVID-19
Approximately 1/3 remained asymptomatic
Obesity was associated with COVID-19 severity
For women with COVID-19 (particularly severe and critical) there is an increased risk for cesarean and preterm birth
Ferrazzi et al. (BJOG, 2020) report on the mode of delivery and immediate neonatal outcomes in women infected with COVID-19 in Lombardy, Italy
Retrospective study
12 hospitals in northern Italy
Confirmed COVID-19 prior to or within 36 hours after delivery
Delivered from March 1 to March 20, 2020
All consecutive cases admitted to maternity ward for delivery
Study design
Data derived from clinical records
General maternal characteristics | Medical or obstetric co-morbidity | Course of pregnancy | Clinical signs and symptoms | Treatment of COVID 19 infection | Mode of delivery | Neonatal data and breastfeeding
Primary outcome
Mode of delivery
Neonatal outcome
Total 42 women with COVID-19
Mean maternal age: 32.9 years (range 21 to 44 years)
COVID-19 diagnosis
Known before admission: 19 cases
On hospital admission: 10 cases
Delivery room: 27 cases
Within 36 hours of delivery: 5 cases (patients still admitted)
Maternal clinical features
Most common symptoms: Fever, cough and mild dyspnoea (80%)
Two women breastfed without a mask because COVID-19 infection was diagnosed in the postpartum period
Their newborns tested positive for COVID-19 (days 1 and 3)
In one case, a newborn had a positive test after a vaginal operative delivery | Mother did not breastfeed
Symptoms day 3 | Recovered after 1 day of mechanical ventilation
Authors acknowledge that vertical transmission risk with vaginal delivery cannot be excluded
However, results from this study would suggest that vaginal delivery is associated with a low risk of COVID-19 transmission
In addition, the author conclude that
Vaginal delivery is appropriate in mild cases and caesarean section should be reserved for women with severe respiratory problems, where delivering the baby will allow improved ventilation
COVID-19: The SMFM/SOAP Guidelines for Labor and Delivery
NOTE: Information and guidelines may change rapidly. Check in with listed references in ‘Learn More – Primary Sources’ to best keep up to date
SMFM and Society for Obstetric and Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) have released COVID-19 guidelines for obstetric professionals, including anesthesiologists. The following are highlights. The complete document link can be found in ‘Learn More – Primary Sources’. The guideline is not proscriptive with an understanding that they “may not apply in your clinical setting”
Personnel should maintain distance (>6 feet if possible)
Limit duration of encounter
Limit number of support persons
Develop policies locally | There may be state restrictions as well
Screen visitors for symptoms of respiratory illness before entering the healthcare facility
Provide exceptions for bereavement
Log staff entering and leaving cohorted rooms
Consider staggering staff schedule to limit exposure
Example: Rotate telehealth team with in-person team every 2 weeks
Testing of women admitted to labor and delivery
Prioritize pregnant women with exposure to or symptoms of COVID-19
Universal testing “may be considered due to the potential for asymptomatic patients to present, particularly in areas of high community prevalence”
Patient Rooms
Confirmed COVID-19 and PUI: “Ideally” should be placed in isolation room
Airborne infection isolation rooms
In general
Droplet and contact precautions
If aerosol-generating procedure is anticipated
Single-patient negative-pressure rooms | Minimum of 6 air changes per hour
“Crash Rooms”
Negative-pressure ORs should not have open surgical equipment
PPE for Health Care Workers
Women with Confirmed Covid-19 Or PUI
Should wear a surgical mask
Health Care Workers Caring for Women Who are Positive for SARS-CoV2 or PUIs
Use droplet and contact precautions with eye protection: Gown | Gloves | Surgical mask | Face shield or goggles
High-risk obstetrical scenarios
Use respirators (e.g., N95 masks) in any room where there is performance or anticipation of aerosol generating procedure (e.g., intubation)
Obstetrical examples include
Cesarean deliveries
Twin vaginal deliveries
Women brought to OR for management of PPH
Intubation (actual or anticipated)
Second stage of labor and deep respiratory effort
SMFM/SOAP states that healthcare workers
…should use N95 (or facemasks if N95 is not available), eye protection, gloves, and gowns during the second stage of labor, in addition to other personal protective equipment that may be typically indicated for labor and delivery
Surgical drapes could be used as an additional physical respiratory droplet barrier during the second stage and at delivery
Preterm Medications
Antenatal corticosteroids
Use with caution in ICU/acute care setting
Balance risks and benefits and adjust protocols accordingly (e.g., >34 weeks and repeat courses)
Magnesium for fetal neuroprotection
Concern regarding maternal respiratory depression | Adjust accordingly based on clinical scenario, including gestational age and increasing maternal oxygen demands
Assess renal function | If mild respiratory distress, single 4 g bolus “may serve as an alternative”
NSAIDs restriction
Document considers restricting NSAIDs to be controversial because data lacking to support this practice
Prenatal ultrasonography
Use in settings where sonography would likely impact care
Labor and Delivery
Follow standard guidelines for the following practices (based on availability, which may change over time)
Internal monitoring (may change with more data but currently no evidence that there is an increased risk for transmission)
Operative vaginal deliveries
Magnesium for preeclampsia/seizure prophylaxis
In absence of severe features of preeclampsia, “avoidance of magnesium seems prudent”
Be cognizant of potential renal dysfunction and adjusts dosing accordingly
Consider early epidural to mitigate risks of general anesthesia including increased risk of aerosol-generating procedures such as intubation
Nitrous Oxide
Currently, limited data regarding use of nitrous oxide in patients with COVID-19
Patients with confirmed COVID-19 | Suspected COVID-19 | Unconfirmed COVID-19 negative status
“…may consider suspending use of nitrous oxide”
Patients with COVID-19 confirmed negative result
Nitrous oxide remains an option
Oxygen for fetal indications
While considered controversial, “suspend” use of high flow nasal cannula or face mask | Consider oxygen in the setting of maternal hypoxia
Worsening maternal respiratory status
Uterine decompression to improve maternal respiratory status
Data are unclear
Risk for fetal hypoxemia
Must be balanced against risks of preterm birth and maternal compromise
Postpartum Care
CDC recommendation regarding mother/infant separation has been updated since SMFM/SOAP Statement posted
CDC guideline now recommends that separation be based on ‘shared decision making’ | For those mothers who wish to room in, use mask/gloves and maintaining bassinet distance
Use expedited testing to determine COVID-19 status
Breastfeeding (with appropriate precautions) or pumping for women for confirmed COVID-19 or PUI is recommended
The document notes there may be risk to infant associated with direct breast feeding
Increased risk with opioids vs NSAIDs
The document states “For women who are asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic, or moderately symptomatic who require analgesic medication beyond acetaminophen, nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be used if there are no other contraindications because systemic opioids likely pose more clinical risks”
Postpone postpartum tubal ligations if alternatives available
Infants are considered PUIs
Decision “should be made in communication with the pediatric team, and appropriate PPE must be worn”
Vertical Transmission in Pregnancies with Confirmed COVID-19
Chen at al. (Lancet, 2020) sought to assess vertical transmission in the initial cohort of pregnant patients in Wuhan (capital of Hubei province) with confirmed COVID-19 infection
9 pregnant patients who were admitted with COVID-19 pneumonia
The following were tested for virus to determine intrauterine vertical transmission
Amniotic fluid | Cord blood | Neonatal throat swab | Breastmilk samples after the first lactation
Gestational age range: 36w0d to 39w4d
All 9 patients had a caesarean delivery in their third trimester for the following indications
Severely elevated ALT or AST | COVID-19 pneumonia
Mature | COVID-19 pneumonia
History of C-section (×2) | COVID-19 pneumonia
Pre-eclampsia | COVID-19 pneumonia
Fetal distress | COVID-19 pneumonia
History of stillbirth (×2) | COVID-19 pneumonia
PROM | COVID-19 pneumonia
Fetal distress | COVID-19 pneumonia
PROM | COVID-19 pneumonia
Note: The authors state that “Uncertainty about the risk of intrapartum mother-to-child transmission by vaginal delivery ” was the reason COVID-19 pneumonia was considered an indication for cesarean delivery
Presenting maternal symptoms
Fever: 7 patients
Lymphopenia (<1.0 × 10⁹ cells per L): 5 patients
Cough: 4 patients
Myalgia: 3 patients
Sore throat: 2 patients
Malaise: 2 patients
Note: None of the patients progressed to severe pneumonia
Fetal status
“Fetal distress”: 2 cases
9 live births, all with normal Apgar scores (8 to 9 at 1 min and 9 to 10 at 5 min)
No neonatal asphyxia
All samples tested negative for the virus
Presentation and clinical findings for COVID-19 pneumonia showed no difference between pregnant women and the general population
No evidence (in this small study) of intrauterine infection attributable to vertical transmission
Bilateral abnormalities on chest CT images: 4/4 patients
Fetal assessment
Reduced fetal movement (1 patient)
Mode of delivery
Cesarean delivery: 3/4 patients
Vaginal delivery: 1/4 patients (patient presented in labor)
4 full-term infants (3 male and 1 female) | Immediately isolated from mothers
Maternal Outcome
Maternal recovery: 3 of 4 patients were discharged between days 3 to 5 following delivery
Respiratory support: 1 patient required respiratory support but did survive
All mothers were healthy on discharge and at follow-up visit
Infant Outcome
Normal Apgar scores | None had serious clinical symptoms (e.g., fever)
3 infants tested negative for COVID-19 | 1 infant not tested because there was no consent
Two infants with rashes of different shape and distribution
1 infant: Maculopapules scattered all over the body and facial skin ulceration on the forehead (size about 0.3 × 0.5 cm2) | Resolved without treatment
1 infant: Day 2 appearance of small miliary red papules with resolution on day 10 without treatment (Table 2) | Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) requiring nasal- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP) | Discharged day 7
All infants were healthy at time of post-discharge follow-up visit
Authors recognize limited dataset
Unclear if there is any relationship between rash and COVID-19
No vertical transmission noted and children all discharged from hospital in good health
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